Monday, October 2, 2017

Music: My Top Five Tom Petty Songs

October is really starting off kind of shitty. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened in Vegas last night and then today one of my favorite rock artist passes away...smh.. I don't remember the moment I became a fan of Tom Petty but I do remember it was because of "Free Fallin'"; ironically " I’m gonna free fall out into nothin’. Gonna leave this world for awhile." is my favorite lyric on the track. After 1) Free Falling (Full Moon Fever 1989), my next favorite song by Tom Petty is 2) "You Don't Know How It feels," (Wildflowers 1994) then 3) "Won't Back Down" (Full Moon Fever 1989), 4) "Mary Jane's Last Dance" (The Live Anthology 2009), and 5) "It's good to be King" (Wildflowers 1994). “Learning to Fly” (Into the Great Wide Open 1991) is also one of my favorites. Tom Petty also played the voice of Lucky (Luanne's bae) on the animated tv series King of the Hill, one of my favorite shows growing up. If you haven't had the pleasure of listening to Tom, go have a listen. I'm sad I didn't go see him like I started to when he was in Houston earlier this year, he will surely be missed.

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