Wednesday, November 1, 2017

30 Days of Thanks: Life (Day 1)

Hey Butterflies. So since it’s November and Thanksgiving is in a few weeks, I decided I wanted to do a “30 Days of Thanks” short post series. Often times it’s hard to see the good things that are going on around us because we’re so consumed with everything that’s going wrong in our life. Each day for the month of November I’m going to share something positive about my day that I’m thankful for. So... when it comes to sports most of my favorite teams are in New York ( i.e. the Yankees and the New York Giants) because I love NY but I’m forever loyal to my hometown teams first. Today I’m thankful for my hometown baseball team; the Houston Astros defeated the LA Dodgers and became World Series Champions for the first time in their franchise history. Go Astros!

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