Anna Nicole Smith was a fashion model, PlayBoy playmate, and tv personality, she was born in Houston, Texas.
Bessie Coleman was an civil aviator and first woman of African-American descent, and also the first of Native-American descent, to hold a pilot license. She was born in Atlanta, Texas.
Beyonce Knowles was born and raised in 3rd Ward Houston, Texas. She is one of the world’s most artistically talented musical artist and performers of all time.
Bonnie Parker was part of the infamous crime duo “Bonnie & Clyde”, she was born in Rowena, Texas and is buried in Dallas, Texas.
Emma Tenayuca was a labor leader, union organizer and educator. She is best known for her work organizing Mexican workers in Texas during the 1930s. She was born in San Antonio, Texas.
Etta Barnett was an actress and singer who breakout rolls paved way for many other African American actresses. She was born in Weimar, Texas.
Janis Joplin was a singer-songwriter and one of the most successful and widely known rock stars of her era; she was born in Port Authur, Texas.
Juanita Craft was a civil rights activist and politician, she was born in Round Rock, Texas.
Miriam Ferguson was a politician and one of the first two women to be elected as governor of a state. She served two non-consecutive terms as the first female Governor of Texas. Miriam Ferguson was born in Bell County, Texas.
Selena Quintanilla was an singer, songwriter, spokesperson, model, actress, and fashion designer. Her contributions to music and fashion made her one of the world’s most celebrated Mexican-American entertainers of all time. She was born in Lake Jackson, Texas.
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