BPA ( Bisphenol A) is a non-natural, chemical formulated,
carbon-based artificial complex used to make plastic. BPA-based
plastic is clear and tough, and is used to make everyday household
items such as baby bottles, water bottles, food containers, food packaging, CDs and DVDs. For years there has been this whole BPA-Free movement (I had no idea) because products made with BPA are said to be hazardous to our health due to the possible chemical transfer into beverages and food items.
So basically "BPA-Free" is any product or product packaging that is made without the use of Bisphenol A (BPA). According to the FDA, BPA products are still safe to use and only contain very a small amount of BPA, however the use of BPA in infant formula packaging has been discontinued. In addition, a number of companies have voluntarily decided to not use BPA in their products. My thinking is if I can do (or not do) something to increase my longevity here on earth then I'm going to at least try it. I'm curious though, what are your thoughts? Please share in the comments below...
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