Thursday, May 13, 2021

Around the World from Home: Celebrating Eid

Eid Mubarak (
Blessed Eid) Butterflies! If you’re unfamiliar with Islam, Eid is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims all over the world, marking the end of the dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan which lasts between 29 and 30 days, depending on when a new moon is sighted. Since the exact date of Eid depends on the lunar calendar, sighting of the new moon means that Eid al-Fitr can begin.

Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast) is a day when Muslims thank Allah (god), for strength and blessings. Eid al-Adha which takes place two months later is a time when Muslims from all over the world travel to the holy city of Mecca for pilgrimage.

I’ve always assumed Eid to be similar to Easter because like Ramadan, Lent is also a time of fasting and Tokhm-Jangi (painted egg game) is basically Easter eggs; I recently discovered that Eid is also comparable to Christmas (learning new things is one of the many perks of being apart of a multi-cultural workspace), as some decorate their homes and exchange gifts for Eid. This year’s Eid celebrations may be a little hard for some to enjoy with everything that is going on with the Israeli-Palestinian people but if you’re able to find joy this Eid, definitely take time to embrace the celebration and partake in Eid traditions:

1) Worship -A special prayer service usually takes place the morning of Eid. 

2) Giving - Participating in Zakat al-Fitr (the act of giving charity) is also a major part of Eid celebrations. Children usually receive gifts from elders and donations are made to those who are in need.

3) Feast - A big traditional meal is usually prepared and everyone gathers to partake and celebrate.

P.s. What are some of your family’s favorite Eid traditions?

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