Thursday, January 1, 2015

Life Update: Bonjour 2015!

WOW! I really can't believe its 2015 already, I mean I was just starting to get a handle on 2014 lol. I guess its out with the old and in with the new; life's too short to live in the past anyway, right?

Well, I saw "The Gambler" the other day and it had a really positive message (well at least I thought so) about life that got me to thinking about my "New Year's Resolutions" and because of that I decided not to make any resolutions this year. Instead, I'm just going to continue to work on my personal health, my finances and myself as a person (oh and my blog too, lol) will continue to be my personal focuses in 2015. What are your "Resolutions"?

Wishing You All the Best and so much more in 2015!
xoxo-Mika Dione

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