Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wellness: How Do You Train for Races?

Displaying Butterflies! 

Today's topic is brought to you curtsy of my friends over at Fit Approach. So this year (in less than a month) I'll be turning thirty which for some reason is a big deal for me (I'm freaking out! lol) and I'm in "bucket list" over drive. I see all the cool looking themed races and think to myself; that has got to be some serious fun. Needless to say, being apart of a 5k is on my bucket list and I'M DOING IT THIS YEAR (<<<<< this is me speaking it into existence lol).

Anyway, for those of you who have participated in a 5k I'm in need of your do you train, mentally and physically, for races -- 5ks, 10ks, half & full marathons and what has been your past experience with races? What did you learn to do (and not to do) from your first time and how has your latest race experience evolved since then? I look for to your feedback!

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