The last major storm that impacted my area tremendously was Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and since it’s storm season here on the gulf coast, now is the time to prepare. For those of us who are use to the erratic storm season of the South and the possible hurricanes that come with it most of these are no brainners but, for someone new to the coast these tips will definitely come in handy. Things we don’t think about until it’s too late, like making sure anything that can get flooded or blown away is put up or like keeping all electronics fully charged, especially your cellphone. So here we go...
1) Track the Storm - Tune in to your local news for help with tracking the storm and staying up to date on the predicted severity of it so that you can plan accordingly.
2) Keep Your Home Stocked - Some of the things you’ll probably need to weather the storm...
-flashlights/portable lamps + batteries
-portable phone chargers
-battery operated clock
-grill/grilling supplies
-bottle water
-non-perishable foods:
- crackers/chips/popcorn
- canned meats/veggies
- canned soups/stews
- nuts
- jerky
3) Make an Evacuation Plan -There’s no way to know for sure how natural disasters will play out, the only thing we can do is be prepared. Plan your evacuation execution plan ahead of time if possible.
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