Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Visiting Texas: Out of This World Events/Exhibits in Texas

Butterflies, if outer space, comic conventions, and/or sci-fi trivia night sound interesting...this post is for you. In addition, if you’re into Astronomy, Greek Mythology, Anime, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and etc, or even if you just think aliens, mermaids, unicorns and fairies are cute, check out some of the “out of this world” events and exhibits happening in Texas:

2024 Out of This World Events in Texas

Austin Public Library: Gamers Club  more info

Austin 2025
1/10-12 Ikki Con: Anime Convention -Round Rock  ikkicon.com
2/21-23 Nosferatu Festival  nosferatufestival.com
3/21-23 Cult Classic Convention -Bastrop  cultclassicconvention.com
5/9-18 Mermaid Splash Fest -San Marcos mermaidsocietysmtx.com

National Video-Game Museum -Frisco nvmusa.org
8/24-25 Dallas Comic Show  dallascomicshow.com
9/28 Denton Comic Art Expo  dentoncomicartexpo.com
12/13-15 Jurassic Quest -Fort Worth  jurassicquest.com

Houston Area Events & Exhibits
Burke Baker Planetarium at the Houston Museum of Natural Science: Dark Side Of the Moon 
Immersive Gamebox -The Woodlands  immersivegamebox.com
FOMO Factory -Houston more info
Seismique Art Museum -Houston seismique.com
8/27-28 Galveston Island ESports Summit  galvestonesports.com
9/6-8 Anime Texas -Spring  animetexas.org
9/14 ZorCon -Lake Jackson  tabletop.events/conventions/zorcon-ii
10/19-20 Beaumont Comic Con -Beaumont  beaumontcon.com

Houston 2025
5/30-6/1 Dream Con: Anime & Gaming Convention  dreamconvention.com

San Antonio
8/17 Painting With A Twist: Star Wars paintingwithatwist.com
8/31 Painting With A Twist: Jack & Sally paintingwithatwist.com
10/11-13 Big Texas Comicon  bigtexascomicon.com
12/13-15 Ecchi Expo -San Antonio  ecchiexpo.org

Other Cities
10/4-6 Anime Feista -McAllen  animefiesta.net
10/18-20 Jurassic Quest -El Paso  jurassicquest.com

*Virtual Events & National Days
9/12 National Video Game Day
9/25 National Comic Book Day

 *** Past “Out of This World - Events/Exhibits” ***

Austin Area
7/5-7 Jurassic Quest -Austin  jurassicquest.com
7/20-21 Greater Austin Comic Con  greateraustincomiccon.com
8/16-18 The Official Supernatural Convention -Austin creationent.com

Dallas Area
Arlington Comic Fest  arlingtoncomicfest.com
1/26-28 Vampire Fan Week -Dallas  creationent.com
3/8-10 Jurassic Quest -Dallas  jurassicquest.com
4/20-21 Dallas Comic Show  dallascomicshow.com
5/17-19 Texas Frightmare Festival -Irving texasfrightmareweekend.com
6/28-30 Ecchi Expo -San Marcos  ecchiexpo.org

Houston Area
Houston Astros Superhero Day -Houston more info
Houston Astros NASA Night -Houston more info
Christmas Horror Market Pop-Up -Houston  houstonhorrorfilmfest.com
1/11-14  Battle Tex IV War Gaming Convention battletex.com
2/1-4 Paranormal Cirque -Cypress  paranormalcirque.com
3/8-10 Comic Conroe  comicconroe.com
3/23 Thorn & Moon Spring Equinox Festival -Houston  magickalmarket.com
4/6 Thorn & Moon Magickal Market -Houston  magickalmarket.com
4/13 Traders Village Houston Comicon  tradersvillage.com
5/3-5 Houston Astros Star Wars Night -Houston  event details
5/24-26 Comicpalooza -Houston  comicpalooza.com
6/23 Houston Astros Princess Day  mlb.com
7/11 Houston Astros Stranger Things Night  mlb.com
7/26-28 Jurassic Quest -Houston  jurassicquest.com
7/27 Montrose Block Party: The Comic Con Edition  more info
8/9-11 Houston Horror Film Festival houstonhorrorfilmfest.com

San Antonio Area
2/17-18 Otaku Fan Fair: Anime & Food  tradersvillage.com
2/17-18 UFO Fest  more info
4/27 Mochi Fest  tradersvillage.com
5/3-5 Jurassic Quest -San Antonio  jurassicquest.com
6/15-16 Renaissance Faery Fest  more info

Other Cites
Paranormal Cirque -Waco  paranormalcirque.com
1/27 Gamer’s Expo -McAllen  southtexasgamersexpo.com
2/22-25 Paranormal Cirque -El Paso  paranormalcirque.com
3/15-17 Permian Basin Comic Con -Midland  pbcomicconx.com
4/26-28 Southeast Texas Comic Con -McAllen  southtexascomiccon.com
7/26-28 Corpus Christi Comic Con  corpuschristicomiccon.com

Virtual Events & National Days
3/29 International Mermaid Day
4/28 National Superhero Day
5/13 Black FAE Day (2nd Saturday of May)
5/26 World Dracula Day 
6/24 International Fairy Day
7/2 World UFO Day

P.S. If you’re more interested in things of this world please check out some of the food/beverage events and cultural events going on throughout Texas.

1 comment :

  1. I will definitely save these ideas for when I come back to Texas!!


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