Thursday, October 10, 2024

Visiting Texas: Health & Wellness Events in Texas

You know the sayings “health is wealth” and “if you don’t have good health, you don’t have nothing”? Well, they’re true and should serve as reminders to us all to make our wellbeing a priority. 
Self-Care is a vital part of longevity so whether you are just starting out, trying to refocus or if you’re just trying to improve your overall wellness; mind, body, and soul, check out these local events focusing on health and wellness in Texas:

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Is National Mental Health Awareness & National Masturbation Month!?

I’m making a quick post about two of my most favorite topics to discuss; I am ecstatic there is an entire month dedicated to them. Did you guys know that May Is National Mental Health Awareness Month as well as National Masturbation Month? I won’t talk much on the latter of the two topics (IYKYK 👀😂🤫) but I do want to mention that sexual health is important and matters just as much as mental health.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Wellness: Self-Love Holidays to Celebrate

For the past few years I’ve been on my own personal journey through self-awareness, self-care and self-love. Living the adult life, as well as caring for the ones we love has the tendency to lead us down a path to disregarding our own needs and wants. As the saying goes, you can’t truly love or care for anyone else until you’ve learned to love and care for yourself, to help us remember to love on ourselves as often as possible, here is a list of holidays that will serve as perfect little reminders to spoil yourself this year:

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Wellness: World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed annually on October 10th, the objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. Most people don’t realize that not only can normal everyday stress interfere with your physical health, it also causes anxiety and anxiety can lead to depression; these are all very common mental health issues that no one likes to talk about.

With that said, I’d like to share suggestions from my personal experience to anyone who is struggling with stress, anxiety, depression or if you’re just feeling a little overwhelmed: 1) tackle one day/problem at a time, 2) surround yourself with positive energy while also steadily minimizing as many stressors as possible 3) indulge in self-care and things that make you happy, and 4) understand that talking about your feelings or getting help from a professional doesn’t mean you’re deranged or frail because it actually takes great strength to admit you need help.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Music: No Rain by Blind Melon

I came across this song sometime last year but it sounds familiar, like maybe it was featured in a commercial or something? Idk but it caught my attention and I thought I’d share it with you guys. Blind Melon is an American Rock Band from California, their first studio album was self titled and released in September of 1992. The song No Rain was featured on the album along with Soak the Sin, I Wonder, Drive and Time. Check out the song and my favorite lyrics from the track below:

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Wellness: 4 Forms of Therapy You Can Practice at Home

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and to spotlight the importance of Mental Health Awareness we are discussing alternative forms of mental therapy. First let me mention that there’s no substitute for the benefits of actual therapy, identifying and treating the root of your anxiety or depression is the only way to heal. Until you are ready to start seeing a counselor, there are alternative therapies that will help you cope in the meantime:

Friday, January 7, 2022

Music: New Balance By Jhené Aiko

Butterflies, we survived another year…Happy New Year! What are your goals for the year? What are you hoping to accomplish? I try to update my vision board at the start of each year to help me stay focused on my goals and life’s purpose and in the process, for the last five years this song seems to always pop in my head.

New Balance was featured on Jhené Aiko’s second studio album titled “Trip”; the album was released in September of 2017. This song is easily one of my favorite songs of all times; for me it’s about finding peace. What about you? What do you think? Check out my favorite lyrics from the track and the music video (audio only) below:

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Self-Care: Daily Mantras & Affirmations

Butterflies, how do you keep yourself happy and focused when you start to feel overwhelmed? It’s #SelfCareSunday and today as I get ready to indulge in taking care of me, I decided it would be a good idea to share a few of my mantras/affirmations with you guys. Reciting mantras or affirmations to yourself is one of the easiest forms of self-care; I use these to help keep me grounded when I start to feel overwhelmed by life, which happens pretty often.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Mental Health: Tips For Surviving a Toxic Workplace Environment

Butterflies, unless you were born into money chances are you’ve had to work for it. The side effects of a toxic work environment can wreck havoc on your personal life if you let it. Staying focused and remembering what your ultimate goals are is how you push through it. 

In honor of World Mental Health Day, below are a few resources for surviving a toxic workplace:

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Music: The Ultimate Positive Vibes Playlist

Butterflies, did you know that March is National Optimism Month? Personally, I’m usually more pessimistic than optimistic because life has definitely traumatized me, but when I think about the pursuit of happiness, being optimistic is really the only way one can find their true happiness and radiate positivity. Being optimistic not only helps build up your perseverance to life obstacles, it also kind of gives you something to believe in. Being pessimistic or cynical is not a bad thing, in this crazy world it’s actually best to keep some kind of guard up, but when I need to I often find the boost of positivity I need to get by in a book or by listening to music. 

Below is a list of some of the most optimistic songs I know. As new tracks are released or discovered, this list will be updated annually. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Wellness: Texas Tonix a Texas Wellness Company

Butterflies, are you familiar with the health benefits of Hemp/CBD? Hemp is a strain of the cannabis sativa plant that is grown specifically for industrial uses. Hemp has lower concentrations of THC and higher concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD), which decreases or eliminates its psychoactive effects. The use of CBD for wellness purposes is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, the production and sale of CBD became officially legal in Texas about a year ago.

For the past month I’ve had the pleasure of trying two very beneficial hemp wellness products for Texas Tonix. Texas Tonix is a Texas owned-and-operated CBD company, and one of the fastest-growing CBD companies in the state. Inspired to start sharing their passion for CBD after seeing how it positively impacted the life of their special needs family member, Texas Tonix has since developed a variety of CBD products with tons of health benefits.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Self Care: Full Moon Rituals Everyone Could Benefit From

Butterflies and fellow moon children, the first full moon of the year and of the decade is on Friday, January 10th and it will be in the cancer zodiac position so be prepared to be in your feels. The moon reaches the peak of its energy and shines its brightest when it’s full. Use the power of the full moon for cleansing, self-discovery and growth. Whether you believe in energy or not, practicing just a few of the self-care acts from the list below will definitely help aid you in finding the peace you’ve been looking for; most of these can be done at any time and should be done often.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

24 Random Acts of Kindness

Butterflies, have you ever been given a compliment by a total stranger? Do you remember how awesome it made you feel? It’s World Kindness Day (November 13th) and if asked, I think we would all agree that this world could use a bit more kindness. To celebrate Kindness Day I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite random acts of kindness sure to bring joy to yourself and someone else:

Friday, November 1, 2019

30 Days of Gratitude (2019)

It’s easy to get lost in the daily hassles of life, forgetting to appreciate the good things. As I’ve done for the last three Novembers, for the next thirty days, I’m taking some time to reflect on some of the things from this year that I’m grateful for.

Here are my 30 Days of Gratitude for 2019.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Music: Trigger Protection Mantra by Jhené Aiko

Butterflies and Fellow Soulmates,

A mantra is a word(s), statement, slogan or sound repeated frequently to aid concentration in meditation. Mantras are normally chanted during a formal meditation session, some use mala beads (prayer beads) to help focus on the mantra and meditation but mantras can also be used informally to reduce stress/anxiety and help you relax. Using singing bowls, Jhené Aiko recently created a energy transforming melody of pure peace. Check out Trigger Protection Mantra by Jhené Aiko below:

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wellness: 2019 National Suicide Prevention Week September 8th-14th & The I’m Listening Broadcast

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed annually on September 10th, during National Suicide Prevention Week. Today is the first day of National Suicide Prevention Week and I started the week like I did last year, by listening to the two hour long 2019 I’m Listening Broadcast hosted by BJ Shea of KISW in Seattle alongside Dr. Ursula Whiteside of Now Matters Now. Entercom launched and first aired the I’m Listening Broadcast in September 2017 following the death of artist Chris Cornell and Linkin Park lead vocalist Chester Bennington. The discussion is meant to raise awareness to the suicide epidemic and lift some of the stigma associated with mental illness. Last year was my first year listening to the broadcast and I was in awe at how relatable the discussion was and by how much useful information was shared. This year’s celebrity guest who joined the discussion included one of this summer’s most popular artists Lizzo, In My Blood singer Shawn Mendes, Halsey, Solomon Thomas of the San Francisco 49ers, Blink-182 and many more.

If you think you’re alone you’re not, according to research done by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1 in 5 adults experience mental illness and 1 in 25 experience serious mental illnesses. Don’t be afraid to open up and speak to someone about what’s going on in your life, I can tell you from personal experience, it helps. You can reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Also, for anyone wondering how they can help someone dealing with depression, anxiety, and etc...JUST LISTEN! One of the kindest things you could ever do for someone is listen to them, I tweeted this out while listening to the broadcast and retweeted it so hopefully my message reaches whom ever it was meant for.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Wellness: Jhené Aiko on Finding Happiness During at Mental Breakdown

Butterflies, earlier this year I shared with you guys a post from Jhené Aiko about healing, a few days ago Jhené responded to another fan who asked for her suggestions on “finding happiness during a mental breakdown”. 

Checkout her suggestions.

Also, what are your suggestions on finding happiness during a mental breakdown?

Monday, July 1, 2019

Visiting Texas: My Thoughts on the Councilman Dwight Boykins Situation

Butterflies, if you’re in the Houston area you’ve probably heard about all the backlash Councilman and Mayoral candidate Dwight Boykins is receiving following a speech he gave at the 2019 Youth Advocacy Summit hosted by Mi Familia Vota Education Fund. My kid attended the summit and she, as well as a lot of the other young ladies that were present were very unsettled by Mr. Boykin's message. Apparently Mr. Boykins was asked a question by the young ladies about women’s rights and somewhere along the line his response to the question morphed into an entirely different discussion. My daughter showed me the video when she got home and we talked about it.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Music: Tiggered by Jhene Aiko

Hey Butterflies and fellow Soulmates,

Jhené Aiko recently released a new freestyle titled Triggered. On the track Jhené Aiko creatively expresses her process of feeling. I’m awed and admire how she’s not afraid to share her dark side with the world, I mean we all go through hard times and the only way out is to talk about it which is why I’m so transparent when it comes to mental health. Coming from a person who has suffered from anxiety and depression their entire life, triggers are real and can send you on a downward spiral instantly.

My Favorite Lyrics on the track...
“You are my enemy, you are no friend of mine, muhfucker”
“You muhfuckin' right, I'm bitter. You muhfuckin' right, I'm triggered.”
“I think I need to lie down, cause I'm not tryna wild out now...”
“I'll calm down eventually”
“Cause when I get mad, I get big mad”
“Triggered, I am not okay”

What do you guys think? Can you relate? What’s your favorite lyric on the track?